a women

  i do no where to start where to end about my life 
 sweety[ changed my name] am a home maker who is with lot of passions about life
 we dream lot of things in our life but some of the things comes true and some of them are be question mark in life 
 from my childhood i have lot of passions and desires i feel like my      life is a big question mark?
     after all seeing looking back in to my life i feel like. i didnt achieved anything that i can say great about me i do no
 i feel like a women should depend in every stage of her life in her childhood
 we depend on our parents i mean untill we become grownup's in certain time 
we need to ask her father everything she will have a limits and boundaries in every stage.
studies after studying parents decides to get patch up with guy atleast they wont give us a time to settle ourselves in my life i mean tto say my parents is good but they need to some time a girl or daugther to know about life how to deal with the people i feel like they should be ready for marriage like they should about the life marraige some of the aspects in life they see if a guy is good if he is well settled is ok for them but in my opinion a marriage should be well prepared book  
    story to continue next time
