ardent soul

Be with a person who never hurts😔 u 
Be with person one who has positive vibes⚡ around u
Be who with a person  one who listens rhytm🎼🎼🎼 of  your heartbeat💘 
Be with a person who makes you joyful😊
e with a person  one who creates their world🌌 to show you
Be with a one who is loyal in relationship 🤝
Be with a person one who admire➡️yourwords
Be with a person one who understands your emotions🤩
Be with a person one who treats you as queen👸 towards their heart ❤ 
Be with a person who  would like to be with you  in hardship times 🕐
be with a person who caress 🤗you
Be with a person one who deserves you heart 💞
Be with a person one who is passionate💏 about you 
Be with a person who stands besides ⭐you 
be with a person one who supports you in everything
be with a person one who never underestimates👎 you
Be with a person who never detemines u 
be with a person one who never let u down in your life🧬
Be with a person who strives to fullfill ur dreams 💭
Be with a person one who wants to see applause 👏your success instead of failure
Be with a person who motivates you
be with a person who strives to achieve your goal
